Thursday, June 23, 2011

Going up the Country.

Hi!!  Coffee maker, check.  Camera, still sucking.  Since I have been at work (for an hour and a half) it has gone from HOT SUN to POURING RAIN about 3 times, haha, good ol' kentuck.  Which brings me to my outfit---- 

1940's inspired pigtails, with pea green yarn :)
1970's purple & white ruffle top (Chicago vintage store)
1970's 'Dittos' overalls (Ebay)
Llama brooch (Mexican festival), Turquoise brooch (Heirloom)
Pea green tennies (U.O.)

Alright, outfit speak:  Love the overalls, and searched for them for EVER, but, they are falling apart.  The whole neck area is being held up with safety pins, and willpower.  So now I must continue my search once again for vintage overalls that fit and are flattering... and this is no easy feat folks.  This oufit reminds me of a tomboy on "Little House..", which is awesome, because I won't lie, I still watch it sometimes :). 

Morning movie:  Wet, Hot American Summer.  Needed something funny, and of course it did the trick.  Did anyone else forget that Bradley Cooper was one of the guys in the male make out scene?  lol.  Then I got in the car and George Carlin was on, which was great!  
Good morning I'd say! 

Below:  Behold some very blurry pictures.  Which is my cameras best feature!  Hey! 

And I'm off!  I have to actually start working :)



  1. It's like a tougher Joey from Dawson's Creek.

  2. You look smashing in the coveralls, you made a real attention getting outfit.
